For advertisers
Show your product to millions
of music fans and get new customers
We know how to reach your
target audience
watch more than two broadcasts a month
average viewing time
this year on the platform
We will integrate your brand on our website and in the live broadcasts of the concerts for the duration of the concerts. Your product will be the center of attention. From the pages with posters of the selected concerts, to the end of the broadcast.

  • Design of the broadcast pages
  • Collaboration with artists
  • Development of customized solutions
How we do it
We can help you develop turnkey advertising integrations or air materials you've prepared. You can adapt existing marketing materials for or develop a unique concept with the artist and the audience. Whatever your goals are, we can help you achieve them.
How do you provide the highest quality audio and picture quality to brag about?
Our production team is armed with the experience, tools and knowledge necessary for flawless broadcasts. For more than 10 years, we've produced broadcasts for federal television stations.

So, your brand will be represented in the best possible way.
Own Production
Our marketing team has a thorough knowledge of live concert fans and their locations. This helps drive sales of our advertisers' online broadcasts and products.
Marketing services
Want to get to know your customers and audience better?

We'll work with you from the start to develop an analytics system that gathers the information you need and allows you to scale effectively.
We will integrate your brand on our website and in the live broadcasts of the concerts for the duration of the concerts. Your product will be the center of attention. From the pages with posters of the selected concerts, to the end of the broadcast.

  • Design of the broadcast pages
  • Collaboration with artists
  • Development of customized solutions
How we do it
We can help you develop turnkey advertising integrations or air materials you've prepared. You can adapt existing marketing materials for or develop a unique concept with the artist and the audience. Whatever your goals are, we can help you achieve them.
How do you provide the highest quality audio and picture quality to brag about?
Our production team is armed with the experience, tools and knowledge necessary for flawless broadcasts. For more than 10 years, we've produced broadcasts for federal television stations.

So, your brand will be represented in the best possible way.
Own Production
Our marketing team has a thorough knowledge of live concert fans and their locations. This helps drive sales of our advertisers' online broadcasts and products.
Marketing services
Want to get to know your customers and audience better?

We'll work with you from the start to develop an analytics system that gathers the information you need and allows you to scale effectively.
Data and analytics
Let's discuss this in more detail?